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myAO clinical roundup on orthognathic surgery
Orthognathic surgery comprises a series of technical procedures aimed at the correction of the volume and position of the facial bones. Since the mandible and maxilla are tooth-bearing segments, a combined orthodontic-surgical treatment is required in order to attain an optimal occlusion.
myAO is offering you the following exclusive selection of "knowledge gems" around orthognathic surgery.
Orthognathic Surgery as Class III Skeletal Treatment in a 31-Year-Old Female with Mandible Prognathism: A Case Report. Sadputranto SA, Setiawan AS, Maskoen AM, Laviana A, Sjamsudin E Eur J Dent, 2023-03-28 Read more
Prediction of orthognathic surgery plan from 3D cephalometric analysis via deep learning. Cheng M, Zhang X, Wang J, Yang Y, Li M, Zhao H, Huang J, Zhang C, Qian D, Yu H BMC Oral Health, 2023-03-18 Read more
First-Hand Experience and Result with New Robot-Assisted Laser LeFort-I Osteotomy in Orthognathic Surgery: A Case Report. Ebeling M, Scheurer M, Sakkas A, Wilde F, Schramm A J Pers Med, 2023-02-03 Read more
Orthognathic surgery comprises a series of technical procedures aimed at the correction of the volume and position of the facial bones. Since the mandible and maxilla are tooth-bearing segments, a combined orthodontic-surgical treatment is required in order to attain an optimal occlusion.