Case Report
Osseous spinal metastases from intracranial meningiomas are rare but represent a serious disease progression. A literature review was performed on this topic to understand the clinical course of patients with this disease entity. We also present a case of spinal metastasis in a patient with a World Health Organization grade III meningioma./r/nThe PubMed/MEDLINE database was queried on August 15, 2021, using the keywords (meningioma) AND (metastasis) AND (vertebra∗ OR spin∗). All publications reporting outcomes of patients with meningioma metastatic to the spine were included. Disease characteristics, treatment modality, and outcomes were extracted from each study. Because data availability varied widely between studies, no meta-analysis was performed./r/nA total of 30 articles with 33 cases were included. Outcome data varied greatly in terms of quality and length of follow-up. Of 28 cases with reported outcomes data, 20 resulted in patient mortality ranging from a few weeks to 5 years after spinal metastasis. Mean (standard deviation) survival time was 5.8 (6.4) years following initial diagnosis, but only 1.4 (3.2) years from spinal metastasis. The longest survivor was noted to have no recurrence of disease 4 years after spinal metastasis./r/nBony spinal metastasis from intracranial meningioma is an extremely rare occurrence. Within the limits of the available literature, outcomes of patients with this disease appear to be poor. However, data reporting is inconsistent, and several articles did not report any outcome data. Further study is needed to better clarify the course and prognosis of this disease.