Case Report
To describe the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of a fragmented, migrating acupuncture needle near the palmar proximal interphalangeal joint (PIPJ) of a horse./r/nA 9-year-old Warmblood cross mare./r/nThe mare presented for evaluation of a linear metallic foreign body on the palmar lateral aspect of the PIPJ following acupuncture treatment. The mare had a pinpoint puncture wound and sensitivity to palpation over the lateral aspect of the PIPJ region. The referring veterinarian performed radiographs and found a linear metallic foreign body near the lateral palmar PIPJ. Ultrasonographic examination demonstrated a hyperechoic lesion consistent with a metallic object in the soft tissues of the palmar lateral aspect of the PIPJ./r/nThe horse was anesthetized, and the linear metallic foreign body was removed. The use of intraoperative ultrasound and digital radiographs assisted in determining the location of and surgical approach to remove the foreign body. The linear metallic foreign body was the fragmented segment (body) of an acupuncture needle. The mare recovered from surgery uneventfully and returned to the previous level of activity./r/nThis report demonstrates the potential risks of prolonged retention and or delayed removal of acupuncture needles in the form of needle fragmentation and migration. It also demonstrates the use of imaging in determining the location and position of small, thin metallic foreign bodies to aid in surgical approach and removal.