Systematic Review
Exoscope Use in Spine Surgery: A Systematic Review of Applications, Benefits, and Limitations.
Exoscopes were recently developed as an alternative to the operative microscope (OM) and endoscope for intraoperative visualization during neurosurgery. Prior reviews studying mixed cranial and spinal surgical cohorts reported advantages with exoscope use, including improved ergonomics and teaching. In recent years, there has been an increase in exoscope research, with no updated systematic review focused exclusively on the benefits and limitations of exoscope use in spine surgery. Thus, we sought to systematically synthesize the literature related to exoscope-assisted spine surgery./r/nA literature search was conducted using the PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane, and Web of Science databases to identify relevant studies reported between 2010 and September 2023. Data, such as the exoscope model used, procedure types performed, and user observations, were then collected./r/nA total of 31 studies met our inclusion criteria, including 481 patients with spine pathologies who underwent a surgical procedure using 1 of 9 exoscope models. The lumbar region was the most frequently operated area (n = 234; 48.6%), and discectomies comprised the most overall procedures (n = 273; 56.8%). All patients benefited clinically. The reported advantages of exoscopes compared with OMs or endoscopes were improved focal distance, surgeon posture, trainee education, compactness, and assistant participation. Other aspects such as stereopsis, illumination, and cost had various observations./r/nExoscopes have advantages compared with OMs or endoscopes during spine surgery. The user learning curve is minimal, and no negative patient outcomes have been reported. However, some aspects of exoscope use necessitate longer term prospective research before exoscopes can be considered a standard tool in the armamentarium of intraoperative visualization strategies.