Case Report
Equine Talocalcaneal subluxation.
A Quarter horse filly was evaluated for a two-week old wound of the right hind cannon bone after the mare stepped on her. A sequestrum was noted radiographically and was surgically debrided. After continued follow-up a left hind varus deformity was noted and was corrected with a lateral transphyseal screw in the distal left tibia. After the varus deformity was improved, a lateromedial radiograph was taken of the distal left tibia and tarsus and talocalcaneal subluxation was seen. The same view was taken of the right tarsus and the same deformity was noted. After finding no case reports on the condition with information on treatment or surgical correction, humane euthanasia was elected. A few months later, the same owner brought a two-month-old colt out of the same mare to the hospital for an elective procedure. Tarsal radiographs were taken due to the owner’s previous experience, although the colt had no clinical history or any traumatic incidents. A lateromedial view of the right tarsus revealed talocalcaneal subluxation.