Editor’s Pick of the clinical case of the month on facial asymmetry In this month’s Editor’s Pick, myAO is spotlighting a complex case presented by Dr. […]
Editor’s Pick of the clinical case of the month on comprehensive orthognathic surgery In this month’s Editor’s Pick, myAO is featuring a case published by Dr. […]
For this month’s Editor’s Pick, our editorial team has selected a case posted by Carlos Moreno-Castillo, from Chile, in the AO Elbow Group. The case deals with a 19-year-old male patient, […]
This month, myAO is featuring Dr. Buendia Saavedra, an active Trauma contributor on myAO. Dr. Buendia Saavedra is an orthopedic specialist focusing on sports injuries, particularly knee, hip, and shoulder […]
This month, myAO is featuring Eugênia Figueiredo, an active CMF contributor on myAO. Eugênia Figueiredo, a specialist at Hospital da Restauração in Recife, completed her Master’s in Oral and […]
Caso clínico de fractura de fémur proximal En la “Editor’s Pick” de este mes, myAO destaca un caso de fractura de fémur proximal de alta energía con […]
#MYMOSTCHALLENGINGCASE winners spotlight in myAO’s Editor’s Pick In this month’s Editor’s pick, myAO is featuring the Trauma and Sports winning cases of the #MYMOSTCHALLENGINGCASE competition, submitted by Alexander […]
#MYMOSTCHALLENGINGCASE winner spotlight in myAO’s Editor’s Pick In this month’s Editor’s pick, myAO is featuring the Recon winning case of the #MYMOSTCHALLENGINGCASE competition, submitted by Dinko […]
#MYMOSTCHALLENGINGCASE winners spotlight in myAO’s Editor’s Pick In this month’s Editor’s pick, myAO is featuring the Spine winning cases of the #MYMOSTCHALLENGINGCASE competition, submitted by Lemuel John […]