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myAO Clinical Roundup on Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery
Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery (also known as oculofacial surgery, orophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery) treats conditions of the eyelids, eye socket and tear drainage system.
myAO is offering you the following exclusive selection of "knowledge gems" around Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery.
Recommended publications on Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery
Accuracy of virtual planning and intraoperative navigation in zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures: a systematic review Kathia Dubron, Philippe Van Camp, Reinhilde Jacobs, Constantinus Politis, Eman Shaheen
J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2022 Jul 6 Read more
Orbital Wall Fractures and Ocular Injury: Impact on Management Dallin N Christensen, William D Wagner, Dennis J Maar, Valerie Shostrom, Jason Untrauer, Rao V Chundury, Katie Geelan-Hansen
Facial Plast Surg Aesthet Med, 2022 Jun 28Read more
Bioresorbable Implants in Reduction of Paediatric Zygomaticomaxillary Complex Fractures Concurrent With Internal Orbital Reconstruction
International, multicenter, prospective registry to collect data on orbital fractures (OFx), their treatment and outcome
Approximately 300 patients presenting with a displaced OFx in the floor and/or medial wall (blow-out fracture) will be enrolled prospectively in this registry. All patients, surgically and non-surgically treated will be followed-up within the registry. Data collection will include patient and fracture details, treatment details, functional, clinical and patient-reported outcomes and complications. CTs or CBCTs will be collected to perform different assessments.Read More
The evolution of Orthognathic principles and practices, combined with knowledge of recent advances, helps the clinician more effectively treat challenging clinical problems.
Coordinated comprehensive treatment planning primarily between the orthodontist and the orthognathic surgeon will help improve patient outcomes and decrease complications. Continuing education benefits clinicians by exposing them to new knowledge in the field, which in turn, leads to improved patient outcomes.
Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery (also known as oculofacial surgery, or ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery) treats conditions of the eyelids, eye socket and tear drainage system.
myAO is offering you the following exclusive selection of "knowledge gems" around Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery.
Orthognathic surgery comprises a series of technical procedures aimed at the correction of the volume and position of the facial bones. Since the mandible and maxilla are tooth-bearing segments, a combined orthodontic-surgical treatment is required in order to attain an optimal occlusion.
Pelvic and acetabular fractures (PAFs) are among the most serious injuries treated by orthopedic surgeons and require rapid and precise treatment. In response, AO Trauma's pelvis education task force is working on the definition of a curriculum to address these challenges.
There are a number of possible causes of bone deformities in animals, the two most common being a genetic disorder and injury (trauma). Limb deformities can be managed conservatively, by growth acceleration, growth retardation, or in severe or late diagnosed cases by combining these techniques. Once the growth plate has closed, correction can only be achieved by a corrective osteotomy technique.
Recent developments in imaging technology have allowed for rapid processing and visualization of significant amounts of data yielded from a variety of digital imaging modalities. Prerequisites have been established for three-dimensional (3D) visualization as well as programs for the computer-assisted 3D planning of surgical procedures, and these image sources are now available to assist the surgeon in the operating room.
If something goes wrong with small animal fractures, early recognition and proper management is important and can be crucial in order to win the game in face of a complication.
Degenerative spinal conditions represent one of the most frequent domains of spinal pathology, which can affect patients of any age. Appropriate management can reduce the morbidity and improve significantly the life quality of these patients.
myAO is offering you the following exclusive selection of "knowledge gems" around spinal degeneration.
Surgeons’ demand for knowledge and training on Head & Neck Cancer and Oral Oncology spans the specialties from head and neck surgery to maxillofacial, plastic, ear, nose, and throat, and general surgery.
myAO is offering you the following exclusive selection of "knowledge gems" around Head & Neck Cancer and Oral Oncology.