Case Report
A talar body fracture is typically associated with talar body dislocation, resulting in ankle and subtalar joint subluxation and/or dislocation. A talar body fracture with talar head dislocation is a very rare injury. In this report, we describe the case of a 23-year-old man who suffered a coronal shearing fracture of the talar body with talar head dislocation related to a navicular compression fracture. The patient sought orthopedic consultation 6 weeks after injury. The injury was managed with open reduction, talar head relocation, internal fixation of the talar body fracture with Kirschner wires and cancellous screws and talonavicular fusion with an iliac bone autograft. Follow-up 4 years after operative treatment showed that the patient had satisfactory treatment results, including good bone healing with minimal changes in the anterior talotibial compartment and excellent function of the hindfoot and ankle.