Meet with the expert of the month, Ana Catalina Tobón
Meet with Ana Catalina Tobón
AO CMF regional and international faculty, AO PEER faculty, and AO CMF Community Regional Representative for Latin America, Ana Catalina Tobón Trujillo, was the first woman in a decade to graduate from her university’s craniomaxillofacial program.
She works as the coordinator/ head of departments of maxillofacial surgery of three hospitals/clinics in the state of Antioquia, Colombia: North Clinical Foundation in Bello, Panamericana Clinics in Apartado and Saint John of God in La Ceja. She is also a professor assigned to postgraduates in oral and maxillofacial surgery at CES University in Medellín and in private practice.
"For me AO CMF is an additional family that gave me life! The foundation opened the doors to a world without limits! It has helped me to improve my practice every day, it has taught me to be a teacher of new generations and it gives me access to a family of like-minded surgeons for advance."
On myAO, Ana runs a discussion group created for women surgeonsin the specialties of CMF, OMS, ENT, and plastic surgery