Case Report
Congenital pseudarthrosis of the forearm poses a considerable challenge because of its rarity. The objective of this report is to introduce a novel surgical technique for its treatment. Here, we document a case of congenital pseudarthrosis of the radius in a 3-year-old boy diagnosed with type-1 neurofibromatosis. The surgical treatment involved the excision of approximately 9 cm of native radial periosteum and a bifocal radius osteotomy, which was supplemented with a vascularized tibial periosteal transplant to facilitate bone healing. Anastomosis between the anterior tibial vessels and radial vessels was performed. No immediate or late postoperative complications were observed. After 3 weeks, a robust callus formation was observed, and during a follow-up examination 3 years and 4 months later, a wide range of active forearm rotation was noted. This report suggests that vascularized periosteal flaps show promise as a viable treatment option for congenital pseudarthrosis of the forearm. They offer an alternative to vascularized fibular grafts or single-bone forearm constructs.