Editor’s Pick of the clinical case of the month on fixation of scapula body with a single deltoid sparring posterior approach
In this month’s Editor’s Pick, myAO is featuring a case published by Dr. Muhammad Syahid involving a 43-year-old right-hand dominant manual worker who was involved in a motorcycle accident and had a direct impact to the right shoulder.
He had a close fracture of the body of right scapula. There was a floating lateral border segment converging to a single medial apex. The operation was performed in the lateral position via Brodsky’s approach, with the posterior deltoid fibre spared. Two lateral plates were installed: the first, a 2.7 mm mini plate LCP as a buttressing device held the small floating segment. A second 3.5 mm lateral anatomical scapular plate bridged the previously described fixation.
Immediate passive motion was allowed with active range of motion started two weeks after surgery. The patient achieved full range of motion at 2 months and returned to work at 4 months after the surgery.
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